I have recently returned with our 6th Grade and chaperones from several days amidst the the piney woods of Camp Allen. Every year our students participate in the Discovery Program there, a curriculum that includes team building, outdoor living skills, environmental education, archery, rock wall climbing, and orienteering. One of the greatest privileges for me is being able to witness confidence break out on the faces of students who successfully complete goals in these various activites. The photo I'm featuring here shows one of these kiddos just after he's been lowered from the top of the high elements climbing wall. It wasn't easy for him, but he persevered and made it to the top...the pride of achievement is written all over his expression! Do you see it? I am reminded that nothing we parents and teachers can say to these youths can make them have self-confidence. We can encourage, cajol, comfort, pamper, and reprimand, but we can't make anyone feel good about themselves. It is only the experience of setting goals, working hard, and achieving success that builds self-esteem. Confidence cannot be given....there is no substitute for finding and claiming it on your own. When we see youths who show a lack of confidence, the best thing we can do is help them find a passion by giving them different kinds of experiences. Find a youngster who is keenly interested in something; interested enough to become fairly expert and or skilled in that area....and you will have found a youngster who knows the feeling of confidence.