Sunday, August 24, 2014

Start of School 2014

A group of TES 8th Graders peruse the new Trinity Charger Yearbook.
School opened smoothly on Tuesday, August 19, and by the end of the first week 228 students were enrolled….marking the third consecutive year of growth.  Enrollment has yet to reach the pre-Ike number of 242, but that’s only part of the story.  Compared to six years ago, Trinity Episcopal School has moved forward by leaps and bounds.  With the addition of the Robert L. and Ann Moody Activity Center and the soon-to-be-completed athletic practice field, the campus has a more significant visual impact on Galveston’s downtown.  The recent 10-year re-accreditation by the Southwestern Association of Episcopal Schools and the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest has reaffirmed Trinity’s mission and quality.  I can’t help but think these are significant factors in the school’s enrollment recovery.

Each year, we announce those 7th graders who are eligible for participation in the Duke University Talent Identification program.  These students earn eligibility based on their exceptional performance on nationally-normed standardized tests taken the year before. The 8 students so honored this year are Kelly Carmichael, Noah Elzner, Christof Gault, Logan Kelly, Christian Quinn, Nicholas Sutton, Courtney Whittaker, and Nick Zompa.

Please join me in welcoming our new faculty: Francie Buergler continues the family tradition of teaching at Trinity; Francie’s mother, Sissy Howell, taught here for many years.  An experienced teacher and graduate of Texas State University, Francie will be teaching Kindergarten at Trinity.  Russell Johns is our new athletic director and physical education teacher.  He is a graduate of Concordia University where he majored in Kinesiology.  He recently served as baseball coach at O’Connell College Preparatory.  Brook Miller will be teaching 5th Grade; she earned her undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Houston, Clear Lake.  Brook will be away on maternity leave soon after the start of the school year; during that time her teaching duties will be assumed by Anna Vandiver, an experienced teacher and cum laude graduate of Augusta State University, Augusta, Georgia.  Our other 5th Grade teacher will be Kelly Shaffner who graduated from Texas State University and comes to us most recently from Parker Elementary.  Kelly’s solid references included Stacy Wisner who is also joining our faculty (teaching 3rd Grade).  A graduate of University of Houston, Stacy was recognized as elementary teacher of the year for GISD in 2011-2012.  These talented folks are rounding out an already strong teaching staff at Trinity Episcopal School!  Finally, help me welcome Amy Gaido to her new role as Lower School Coordinator and Assistant Head of School.

From Left to Right: Russell Johns, Francie Buergler, Kelly Shaffner, Brook Miller, Anna Vandiver, & Stacy Wisner


The Rev. David C. Dearman
Head of School