This spring and continuing into next year, I’m leading a study for our faculty on Brené Brown’s book entitled Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead. And just why should we study this? Brown writes, “Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity.” In line with Brown’s research-based ideas, I’m betting that honest conversations about vulnerability will help us more fully embrace the education of mind, body, and spirit! Over the summer, Rev. Susan and I will be preparing a parenting class based on Brené Brown’s “Daring Way™.” We’re hoping to offer this class in the fall and will welcome folks from church and school as well as the wider community….more details later.
Trinity’s summer schedule for children and youth includes:
Summer Camp (rising PK3 – 2nd Grade) June 8-July 3 and July 6-31
Camp Invention (rising 1st – 6th) June 8-12
Camp Charger (rising 3rd – 8th Grade) July 6-10 and July 13-17
Charger Basketball Camp (rising 5th -8th Grade) July 27-31
Charger Volleyball Camp (rising 5th – 8th Grade) August 3-7
Check online ( for more information about these opportunities or call at 409-765-9391. Please note: the school’s summer Moody Hall Office schedule is Monday-Thursday 9 AM to 3 PM and begins on June 8.
David C. Dearman
Head of School