Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

TES Archive Image: Thanksgiving In-Gathering 2005
Trinity Episcopal School students mark the Tuesday before Thanksgiving with an in-gathering of foodstuffs and other supplies for those in need.  The collection occurs in classrooms in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving.  Then, on the Tuesday morning of Thanksgiving week, students from each homeroom bring these gifts en masse to Chapel.  Members of Student Council meet them at the altar rail and arrange everything at the base of the altar.  The sight of all of these gifts gathered is inspiring and a metaphor of the great good that can happen when people work together toward a common goal.  Following worship, members of Student Council accompany these supplies to St. Vincent’s pantry.  St. Vincent’s helps folks with basic necessities like food, hygiene products, and diapers.  Helping this outreach ministry reminds our students that love of neighbor requires thinking of the needs of others.  It also is a way of gaining perspective as we take stock of the blessings in our own lives.
As of this writing, workers have begun tearing out the old curb cuts along the perimeter of the School’s soon-to-be playing field.  Please join me in giving thanks for the Galveston Foundation which is funding the new sidewalk and curb improvements, fill dirt, and landscaping, for the Sealy & Smith Foundation which sold the property to the Diocese of Texas, and, most of all, for the Moody Foundation which funded the purchase of the property and demolition as well as the fencing and other amenities still to come.  Of course, the project is taking longer than anticipated.  Ready or not, please plan on joining other members of the Trinity Church and School family on Sunday, December 14, at 2:00 PM, to witness Bishop Dena Harrison dedicate the property for the purpose of educating mind, body, and spirit!

By the time you receive this, basketball season will have begun at Trinity.  Please note the published schedule under the Athletics Tab of the school website (  I hope you will experience the Charger spirit by joining us for home games at the Robert L. and Ann Moody Activity Center.

An angel from TES Lessons & Carols 2013

Finally, please note for your calendars, the annual Festival of Lessons and Carols: Friday, December 19 in Trinity Episcopal Church beginning at 10:30 AM.  For many, this is the most sublime moment of the school year!


David C. Dearman +
Head of School

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