Thursday, November 15, 2012

TES Lessons and Carols

2008 Lessons & Carols
The school’s annual Festival of Lessons and Carols is Friday, December 21, beginning at 10:30 AM in the sanctuary of Trinity Episcopal Church.  This liturgy includes dramatic readings and anthems from the classes, K-8, along with carols sung by the congregation.  The highlight is the Nativity story portrayed by our costumed First Graders.  Gabriel, Mary, Joseph, the heavenly host of angels, the animals of the stable, and the three kings take their cues coming forward as the story unfolds in word and song.  Every student and graduate who attended here in First Grade remembers his or her role.  God-willing, each can recount the story of the humble birth of Jesus celebrated by Heaven and Earth.  At the center of the final scene is Jesus lying in a manger.  It is no accident that Mary must use a food trough for Jesus' crib, and that the story is set in Bethlehem which means “House of Bread.”  It is a story of God’s love for humanity, and the giving of God’s very a kind of heal our brokenness.  The story refers to Jesus as Savior…God’s chosen One who sustains us with spiritual nourishment, if we will only receive the gift.  For many folks, the telling of this story is the most sublime moment of the entire school year.  If you find yourself harried in the days before Christmas, and your heart is not where it needs to be, these kids can help you reconnect.  That's what they do for me every time!