Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Nurturing and Educating Paradox

The Trinity Episcopal School website, brochure, and other marketing materials are designed to introduce prospective parents, as well as potential benefactors, to the School’s stated mission that begins: “…to nurture and educate children in a God-centered environment.”  In order to state what we do at the School as succinctly as possible, we state right off the bat a kind of paradox…. We nurture by listening, modeling kindness, taking time to re-teach when a student needs patience from us most of all, while at the same time we educate by furthering students in the growth of mind, body, and spirit.  Trinity’s traditional approach to education means that we must hold in balance the ideals of an individual approach that adapts to each child and a rigorous approach that serves high standards and expectations.  Doing this all in a God-centered environment reminds us that we cannot have nurture if there are no expectations any more than we can have love without justice.  The life of faith calls on us to wrestle with seemingly incompatible ways of being, and so there it is:  we will both nurture children and, at the same time, put them through a rigorous education.  That is the ideal for which we strive. Please pass the word to others who might be interested in our parish day school.

Here are some upcoming Spring school events for our calendars:

March 28 Stations of the Cross at Chapel, 8:15AM
March 29 Good Friday (No School)
April 1 Easter Monday (No School)
April 6 Trinity Booth @Grand Kids Festival
April 10 Rachel’s Challenge School and Community Events
April 11-19 Scholastic Spring Book Fair Open
April 13 Annual TES FUN RUN
April 25 TES Art Showcase
April 27 “Burgers on the Bayou” Spring Casual


The Rev. David C. Dearman