Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Occupy Thanksgiving

Is the glass half full or half empty?  What we see may depend on our general outlook on life.  Do you always focus on what's missing, what you wish you had, the things that could have been?  There is a danger in only dwelling on what we lack, on making a place in our hearts for feeling like life has dealt a bad hand.  The risk is that in so doing, we lose sight of the half full glass....the great gifts that we have in life.  Thanksgiving Day offers us the occasion to take stock of our blessings, to be more intentional about noticing the water in the glass.  This Thanksgiving let's not forget the people we love, our good memories, the things that interest us, the simple things that we can enjoy but never own.  Take some time each day to search your heart for gratefulness....with God's help, it may just change the way you see and allow you greater joy in life.   

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Unearth Your Hidden Talents

On Sunday, November 13, the Revised Common Lectionary specifies “The Parable of the Talents” from Matthew’s Gospel (Mt 25:14-30).  The word “talent” captured my initial thoughts because it refers to a staggeringly large amount of money.  One talent was equivalent to 6,000 denarii, and each denarius was the amount a laborer would earn for a day’s work.  Hypothetically, if a worker in Jesus’ day did not have to eat and could have saved everything he earned, I suppose it would have taken almost 20 years to accumulate wealth at this level….and this is the level of the slave who only received one talent.  We are not supposed to feel badly for the slave who was entrusted with the least amount….like he was somehow receiving the “short end of the stick” from the master.  The point is that each was entrusted with a fortune!  In the Kingdom of Heaven every servant of God has bountiful blessings, and each is called to be mindful of these gifts and to put them to good use.  Do you know the “fortune” that God has invested in you?  Spending some time reflecting on what God has given us may help to bring this “wealth” to unearth hidden talents, so to speak.  This might mean trying new things to see how they work.  There are always risks with trying something new.... embarrassment, lost time and energy, misunderstandings... but, we can't live life to the fullest if we let fear shut us down.  Moving forward, we place our trust in God....the only way to lose is not to try.   

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Blessing

Several people have asked me for the blessing given at the end of the 10:30AM Eucharist on Sunday, October 30.  I heard this one from The Rev. Grayce O'Neill, one of the faculty members at the Episcopal CREDO conference I attended in October.  She was kind enough to send it to me, and now this blessing is a permanent resident in my Book of Common Prayer:

May the Spirit of the living God, made known to us most fully in Jesus Christ our Lord:

Go before you to show you the way

Go above you to watch over you

Go beside you to be your companion

Go behind you to push you into places you would not normally go yourself

Dwell inside you to remind you that you are loved beyond your wildest imagination

And may the blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, be with you now and always.  AMEN.